The finest writing and document papers with the rooster watermark are our expertise. Since the founding of our paper mill in 1584, we have consistently developed along the lines of the founder Merten Spieß and created papers that have served art - including the art of writing - for centuries and to this day.
Painters, graphic designers, illustrators, printers, photographers, advertising experts, archivists, bookbinders, art students, schoolchildren, scientists, engineers or laboratory technicians use papers from Hahnemühle. For all of them, paper is a natural working tool on which they rightly place the highest demands.
With our Hahnemühle FineNotes notebooks, we provide you with noble companions that appeal to all the senses: The finest creamy natural white Hahnemühle paper with watermarks between noble book covers protect your very personal entries - for haptically and visually impressive writing experiences.